Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities
Faculty of Commerce & Business Studies
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Law
International Relations

Globalization affects many sectors of society. Higher education is no exception. Universities worldwide respond to challenges presented by globalization in various ways.

One response is the internationalization of the university campus.

Universities represent the traditional source of knowledge in society. They provide an environment that generates ideas, skills, and inventions, all components of knowledge. Universities constantly face pressure to conform to the needs of society, however what makes universities unique is their power to withstand times of change, and time after time, reemerge as the key providers of knowledge.

Campuses once geographically bound to one physical place now have the opportunity to expand and network between states, regions, and international locations. In addition, technology enables professors and students access to a world of information previously available only at high costs and over long periods of time. The desire for education created by a population that continually seeks education, further supports changes within the university. These forces continue to alter the structure of the university in three ways, which includes changes to the structure of governance, expansion of campus networks, and enhancement of university community partnerships.

The University of Delhi has for long been aware of its role in a larger international academic community, and in pursuance of this, the University has been reaching out to fraternal institutions in different parts of the world for collaborative programmes, research networks, student exchanges and so on.

List of MoUs

For more information please visit International Relations - University of Delhi website.

Last Updated: Monday 25-Oct-21 11:31:13 IST
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