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Delhi University Women's Association (DUWA)

The story of DUWA goes back to the times when women did not generally move out much and were restricted to the four walls and confined to the domestic chores. Delhi University had a Men's Club but there was no such meeting place for women. Women members from the university were allowed to use the venue only on Wednesday's - a kind gesture certainly. Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh, a social activist, an advocate and the wife of the Vice Chancellor, had a vision - An association for the women fraternity of the Delhi University. She had a vision and set out on a mission - the culmination of which is this Association. With the generous support of the Vice Chancellor Prof. C. D. Deshmukh, DUWA became a reality. Delhi University Women's Association has been registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 ( Punjab Amendment Act 1957) as extended to the Union Territory of Delhi on 31st October, 1964. Delhi University Women's Association aims:
  • To promote and to carry on social, cultural, recreational, educational and economic activities for the benefit of the women members on the staff and female family members of those on the staff of the Delhi University and its affiliated and constituent colleges and recognized institutions and also for the women relatives of the students studying in colleges of the University and who are residents in the Campus of the Campus of the University and of the surrounding areas.
  • To organize and maintain, as far as possible, limited residential accommodation with cultural and educational amenities for the members of the society coming to participate in the activities of the society and other bodies with cognate object as well as non members specially invited to participate in the activities of the society.
  • To invite as and when feasible, cultural leaders, scholars, scientists and creative artists, who may or may not be members of the society, to take advantage of the facilities offered by the society.
To undertake in general such other activities from time to time as shall be necessary for achieving the objects mentioned in the first clause.

For more information visit Delhi University Women's Association website.
Last Updated: Friday 01-Jan-21 13:32:25 IST
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