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Orientation cum Training on Creation, Use & Management of Twitter

The University organized an Orientation cum Training Programme on Creation, Use and Management of Twitter Handles of Colleges on 22nd March 2021 at 3 p.m. in the Conference Centre of the University in order to orient and train the Nodal Officers handling the Twitter account of the respective Colleges for effective use and communication through platform.

The Programme was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, Prof. P.C. Joshi in the presence of Prof. Suman Kundu, Director South Campus and Dr. Vikas Gupta, the Registrar of the University.  The programme consisted of the following sessions:

1. Orientation session 

·  “Twitter as a social media platform: Its Significance and Utility” - by Ms. Geetanjali Kala, Assistant Professor, Cluster Innovation Centre

·  “Content Writing of Twitter Post for Effective and Appropriate Communication” - Ms. Dipti Dhanuka & Ms. Shruti Teotia, Senior Executive (Marketing), TO THE NEW   , which is a company to   whom the Ministry of Education has outsourced its Social Media management.

2. Training session

 ·  “Starting and Shaping your Twitter Journey” - by Mr Sumit, Communications Professional at TATA Trust

 ·   “Trolls in Twitter and Ways to Manage them” - by Dr. Tarjeet Sabharwal, Social Media Coordinator of the University & Assistant Professor, Delhi College of Arts & Commerce.

Prof. Sanjeev Singh, Media Coordinator of the University graced the Valedictory session. The Programme was coordinated by Prof. K. Ratnabali.



Last Updated: Mar 22, 2021
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