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University of Delhi Observed World No-Tobacco Day on May 31st 2021

The office of the Dean Students’ Welfare organized a pledge-taking ceremony on Monday, 31st May, 2021 at 1.00 P.M. to observe the ‘World No-Tobacco Day 2021’ as per the communication received by the University Grants Commission vide D.O. No.14-12/2021 (CPP-II) dated May 29th 2021. The program was organized on ZOOM platform and was attended by 73 participants including Prof. Rajeev Gupta (Dean Students’ Welfare), Dr. Hena Singh (Deputy Dean Students’ Welfare), Dr. Sangeeta Gadre (Deputy Dean Students’ Welfare), Dr. Anamika Prasad (Deputy Dean Culture) and students from different colleges of the University of Delhi. Prof. Rajeev Gupta in his introductory message, emphasized about the harmful effects of tobacco on users and also its passive but equally deadly effects on the surrounding people. Highlighting the relation between tobacco and COVID-19 which is currently destroying the humanity, he coaxed the students to spread awareness in the society against the harmful effects of consuming tobacco and to help curb it completely. This year, the theme of World No-Tobacco Day is ‘Commit to Quit’. This campaign aims to empower and support tobacco users on their journey to quit. WHO has launched this program with 29 focus countries and India is one of them. The participating students in the pledge-taking ceremony made ‘Commit to Quit’ campaign more effective and powerful. Ms. Shefali Negi, President of NSS, Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, University of Delhi, representing the students, echoed the sentiments against the use of any form of tobacco and to raise awareness of its hazardous effects. The Deputy Deans in their remarks urged the student community to spread the message that “The journey of thousand miles starts with a single step….. take the first step to your goal by saying no to tobacco.” The event concluded with all the participants taking the pledge both in English and Hindi languages.





Last Updated: May 31, 2021
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