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Vice Chancellor’s Foundation Day Message

Professor P C Joshi
Vice Chancellor

As the “Covid-19 tsunami” rages humanity, University of Delhi silently walks into the hundredth year of its sojourn.  The only celebration of any worth in the wake of this devastating storm is that of life, its resilience and the dominant spirit of service to the mankind. I stand with my colleagues of the University fraternity in these unprecedented times of catastrophe. The hundred years of glorious existence of this premiere University has given us the strength to stand firm in our struggle to ward off this menace hands in hands. We will fight together with “Nisthta” and “Dhritih” and our eternal search of “Satyam”, the spirit of life, will lead us into normal times. Together, we shall overcome the odds.

I wish to comfort the student community of the University, who is hardest hit at a very tender age in their lives. It is more than a year they have lived indoors, far away from the vibrant campus and the interactive classrooms, glued to “screens” in search of knowledge and a green future ahead. Many of our students have also volunteered for community service braving the pandemic and brought laurels to the hundred year old University. They have taken the difficult times in their stride and I believe the sunny days are ahead. With masks and social distancing and staying put indoors, we will tide over the rough times. Your voices with regard to examination schedule and result declaration have reached me and the University will act in your best interests.

My heart goes out to teachers, who in spite of all hardships, has kept alive the teaching-learning process through pedagogies that have been largely unknown to them. They have helped conduct the examinations online in an open book system and have participated in contact less admission process. Their efforts at evaluating answer sheets have helped us declare results in time. They have kept alive the research activities of the University at all costs in addition to all the academic and co-curriculum activities that moved online. Many of our teachers also won prestigious awards and high administrative posts as the University held on to its high national and global ranking. I urge our brilliant and eminent teachers to continue to support the student community in their quest of knowledge and search of an appropriate career to the best possible given the hundreds of challenges that you face on a daily basis.

Our active and efficient administrators and officers are supporting us in all possible ways to keep the machinery in a state of constant motion, be it promotions or processing pensions and salaries. They are providing a platform that allows students, teachers, support staff and myself to function seamlessly in a circumstance that is detrimental to human survival. With their ability to derive quick solutions to any problem, we are trying our best to provide all necessary support to students like migration, degrees and transcripts digitally using online platforms.

I salute our support system, our health centre doctors who are our lifeline, our engineering branch, our IT solution providers, our proctorial board, our student welfare team, our staff members including hostels, security personnel, housekeeping staff, NCC team and gardeners, who are on the ground day in and day out. It is their constant services that have stood the University in its hundred years of existence and most importantly, in the trying times that we are currently witnessing.

My team is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that we sail through the dark days drawing inspiration from the light that the hundred years have illuminated us with. We are available for your services. We have ensured that the RT PCR tests for covid-19 diagnostics are available to the University community at the Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute. INMAS, DRDO has also lent a helping hand in this process. Our health center doctors are available for consultation, while also helping with the vaccination process in WUS and South campus besides Shivaji College, and UCMS also came to our rescue in times of emergency. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya and Lakshmibai Colleges have initiated isolation centers for medical help. Miranda House, Department of Social Work (DU) and other centres and colleges have put together helpdesk for the service of the community. We are making all efforts to re-start the Teachers Welfare Fund.       

Under these catastrophic circumstances, we set aside our plans for the centenary year. Our distinguished alumni, who agreed to join us on May 1, 2021 in the University premises, have sent us their best wishes and lifelong support. Award winners in the various categories of Foundation Day Awards 2021 will have to wait somewhat longer. Let us be resilient and let us help each other to honour the hundred years of legacy.   

We believe the bright days are just around the corner. Let us all join in prayers for the safety of each of our fraternity members and each and every citizen of the country. Let us vow to follow the pandemic guidelines in letter and spirit. Let the centenary year be in the corner of our heart for the time being. Together, we shall overcome the odds.

Stay safe, stay healthy !!

Last Updated: May 1, 2021
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